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We do know
what we translate!
We do know
what we translate!

Translation of documents into official languages of the EAEU Member States

If you need a high quality translation in any field of medicine, from patient records to serious scientific papers, from registration and certification documents to articles on of medical business and law issues - then you have already found what you need.

What we translate

Our topics
01. Medicine, pharmacology and pharmaceuticals (patient documents, scientific papers, popular science articles and presentations;
02. Certification and state registration of medical devices;
03. Preclinical and clinical studies, test reports, process validation, risk analysis associated with the use of medical devices;
04. Medical equipment (operating manuals, technical files, etc.);
05. Marketing of medical products;
06. Legal documents (laws and regulations, legal opinions, constituent and registration documents, judicial documents, contracts, powers of attorney, tenders, offers, customs documents, etc.);

07. Patents and licenses.


How we ensure quality


“The cobbler should stick to his last.”

The medical translation is highly specialized. It requires a deep understanding of any specific area. It is clear, for example, that an ophthalmologist is unlikely to translate a pacemaker trial report, and therefore, we not only engage qualified and experienced medicine doctors and medical scientists (that goes without saying), but also pay strict attention that the topic of each text is within the competency of our translator.

However, most specialists who know their subject very well often do not have a sufficient command of the standard Russian language, and are not able to present the material accurately and clearly. At the second stage of processing your text, an experienced editor will eliminate translation irregularities and errors, and make spelling, punctuation, grammar and stylistic corrections.

And finally, we understand that no one can know everything. Science, and with it medical technologies, change this world every day. It often happens that there is no name in Russian for a medical method or product that appeared only yesterday. In such cases, we create a new term in cooperation with our customer. 

Interaction with the customer is our priority. We are always ready to take into account your requirements and comments, and you will always receive from us a product that best meets your goals. You will not hear from us statements like “this could not be translated” or “this Chinese does not know English, and it is impossible to understand him”, because the key task of a translator is to understand and make understandable any thoughts of any author.

About the company

Кто мы

Welcome to Metafraza, LLC!

If you need a high quality translation in any field of medicine, from patient records to serious scientific papers, from registration and certification documents to articles on of medical business and law issues - then you have already found what you need.

We have been providing medical translation services to Synergy Consulting, LLC, a company engaged in the registration and declaration of medical products in the Russian Federation, for over 10 years. Having accumulated an extensive experience in this area, now we are entering the translation services market as an independent player.

Individual approach

A personal manager will quickly respond to your requests, select the best options in terms of cost and time, promptly agree on the details of your project and monitor its timely implementation.

Quality and speed

Once we have agreed upon all the terms and language patterns, we will use them for all translated texts. This will allow us to improve the translation quality and speed, avoid discrepancies, and you will spend less time for checking the order.

Personal discounts

Translation of similar texts allows us to use translation memory programs and optimize your costs by automatical substituting previously translated fragments.

Наши контакты

Moscow, Shosseynaya str., 1, bldg. 2, office 428

+7 (495) 915 31 31 
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 +7 (910) 070-51-15
 +7 (910) 070-51-15

Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00

How to contact us

Moscow, Shosseynaya str., 1, bldg. 2, office 428

+7 (495) 915 31 31 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 +7 (910) 070-51-15
 +7 (910) 070-51-15

Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00

Metafraza LLC ©2024